Happy New Year! How far into the month is an appropriate time to say that?
Auld Lang Syne
As we settle into the new year, it makes me think of things that are old and forgotten as things that are new roll in and take their place. Often we replace items that need replacing, like shoes, t-shirts with holes…your toothbrush. Think about the items you hold on to, no matter how old they are, and what those items mean to you. Are you just going to toss it out without nary a thought? I personally still have a box full of concert tickets, handwritten letters, fliers from long forgotten parties, and ironically, a Wallace and Gromit watch given to me by an old flame. Sadly, I never wore it, but I can’t bear to get rid of it. Its story is literally a tale as old as time, but it’s my story.
Watches are usually cast aside and replaced with new ones. Possibly the band wore out, or the battery died. It’s tossed into a drawer or a box to wait for when you have a chance to get to it. Oftentimes, it’s just forgotten. This is where JustinTimes Vintage comes in. We love finding those old forgotten pieces, restoring and bringing them back to life.

Turn Back Time
The best part of restoring an old watch is bringing life back to the forgotten watchmakers. Take Elgin for instance, founded in the 1960s in Elgin, Illinois. Elgin made a lot of pocket watches and was one of the early producers of wristwatches. Unfortunately, they couldn’t keep up with Swiss watchmakers and shut down in 1968. Lucky for us, they left behind plenty of beautiful pieces for us to enjoy. Such as this beautiful cocktail watch from 1917.
There is a lot to say about the watchmaker, Enicar. For instance, the founder of the company’s last name is Racine…take a minute to put together his creative name choice. They have been from the bottom of the ocean to the top of Mt. Everest. Founded in 1914, they are still around, mostly in Asia. You won’t have to go so far to find a beautiful piece from the 1940s though.
Another American based watchmaker that is long forgotten, Gruen. It doesn’t sound like an American name. The German born founder, Dietrich Grün, founded his company in 1870. Grün experimented with thin movements and curved rectangular watches, meant to conform to the curve of a wrist. Curved or thin, it didn’t stop this watchmaker from adorning its face with diamonds and ornate designs.

From Crown to Dial
Old or new, watches tell a story. Sometimes the story may be forgotten. JTV thrives on restoring, shining, and buffing these stories back to life. From pocket watches from WW1 to wristwatches used in deep diving submarines, the watches at JTV all tell a story. Make these stories your own.