Treat Yourself
I read somewhere that watches are not a throwaway gift, they are meant to be worn and enjoyed. Well, it’s time to find something and enjoy it.
It seems that there is always a reason for giving. Of course, we can’t get away from Valentine’s Day this month. It’s just there in your face with hearts, cupids, and chocolates…I really do appreciate the chocolates. Soon there will be graduation season, anniversaries, birthdays, and before we know it, the end of the year is here and you can’t help but exclaim, “this year went by so fast!” During the times between gift giving, you deserve something that is just for you.

Our stock of watches at JustinTimes Vintage is always growing and changing. We’re constantly bringing in new stock so that you are prepared for any occasion. As it goes with vintage jewelry, they aren’t making these pieces anymore, and they don’t make them like they used to. Our watches are meticulously restored to beautifully working order. They are cleaned, repaired, renewed and given new life, so that you may find a piece that suits you and your personality and style. Treat yourself, you deserve it! The beauty of vintage, it's one of a kind and timeless (just like you), you’ll be sure to find something that speaks to you.
The personality of a watch
These are not pieces that are tossed aside when not being worn. Our timepieces have personality and there is one for every individual. My watch personality is smooth, dark, and sturdy. By sturdy, I me
an something like this DKNY watch would do the trick. It would survive my inability to walk down a hallway without smacking my arm into a wall. If you are the type that can wear white and keep it clean all day, then this Bariho is just for you. I would need something that could not only take a hit but is also easy to clean. We really do have something for everyone at JTV, even the clumsy.

When you wear a watch, it’s a reminder of the moment and the reason you received it. From the unboxing to the placement on the wrist. Trust us, the moment of unboxing a watch from JTV is not one that you’ll soon forget. I still remember unboxing my first watch. It was a very 90s Swatch (opaque pink and teal) and it was super rad. I still remember pulling it from its case and carefully placing it on my wrist. I also remember thanking Santa for it, even though I knew it was placed in my stocking by my mother. For months and months, I wore that watch and thought of mom every time I checked the time. It was perfect and amazing and spoke volumes about my personality. Come and take a look at what could be waiting to speak to you at JustinTimes Vintage.